This is an Australian?, page-3

  1. 15,270 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27
    That hateful sheik is no Australian. It is perverse to call him so. It is perverse too that in our times successive governments have allowed into our own country and all Western countries so many, like this repulsive individual, who are so plainly hostile to our nation and nations, our mores, our traditions and our values. Not satisfied simply with letting such odious and objectionable foreigners in, successive governments have then , under the corrosive policy of multiculturalism , proceeded to formulate paths to citizenship for these unmatched and unworthy culturally - backward aliens. And so it is that our nation has come to this , the situation where the very name ' Australian ' (or ' Frenchman ') has become so completely debased and for us, the real Australians or Belgians or Britons, our own dignity with it.

    None of this would have happened and indeed our countries would not now be overloaded with so many unassimilable / alien people from so many 3rd rate cultures and places if successive governments in the West had not embarked upon the ruinous course of multiculti, a policy which has yielded no good to the host populations of the West, quite the opposite yielding no end of social dysfunction, assimilation challenges, criminality including terrorism, constant grievance and special pleading arguing that the host culture should accommodate 3rd rate minorities in their primitivity and social defectiveness.

    To return very precisely to the matter at hand, this sheik is no Australian. Any Australian taking a look at him and/ or listening to him for one moment can see that the very use of the descriptor for such a person is an abuse of all of us, us and our honoured nation-building forebears, an abuse indeed born of multicultural policy perversion.
    Last edited by Wanganella: 14/04/16
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