This is art....., page-9

  1. 82,843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    to me, art has not changed in one way. Nor, as long as it's produced by humans, will it ever change.

    Most art done by pretty much all artists ------------------ is crap, or forgettable or is a work on progress road to something great - if they are lucky.

    Out of 100 works, one will be happy enough with a few. Out of 1000 works, one might consider 1 to be 'the one of a lifetime'.

    I remember a famous Aussie playwright - whose name eludes me - who was asked a question in an interview - that went something like this -

    'you must be happy with the number of fantastic plays that you've written?'

    he answered something like this 'oh, I've written some great plays - but, what you don't see are the hundreds that ended up in the bin, torn to pieces'

    and that is the point. Yes, we can visit galleries and great museums that house the work of the famous -- and we will see groups of people who study and admire art - they will study various pieces at enormous length and think the works wonderful.

    But, if one walks on through the bodies of works by the greats ------------ what one finds is that mostly - you can just keep walking - then, one - one will pull you up as if you've just seen something come out of the universe and glow on a wall or on a floor space.

    I had the privilege of looking at a couple of Pollocks lately - just a couple in a museum in Paris ------- well, I looked fairly closely because I've been interested in Pollock since the obvious -

    but, I walked on by, nothing drew me back, nothing pulled ---------------- nothing came even remotely close to the power of Blue Poles - which stopped me in my tracks.

    Now I wouldn't suggest that most Pollocks should be thrown in the bin ----------- but, what I do suggest is that because the name Pollock is on them ----------- it does NOT mean that it's an artistic wonder.

    The vast bulk of artwork that anyone does - artistically, is largely forgettable.

    It's valuable to see 'periods' in their lives - but, really -------------- usually it's only a very very few that glow like beacons.

    of course, I might find the odd argument with the above
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