hi ferg
what i am saying is that i have a core holding in apg that stays as is to $1 and a smaller amount to whatever.
I also have a small amount i trade ie selling at 13c buying back yesterday at 9.8c.
does anyone consider what would happen if the traders didn't come in again at these prices.
maybe we would see 6c again then u would have something to whinge about.
I know 1 day i will get caught selling at say 13 and the s.p. will continue to rise.
do i care--absolutely not because apg is going exactly where i think it will.
As earnie says some people just prefer to sit and hold--nothing wrong with that-- but why they would be checking the s.p. daily and then whinging when it goes down is beyond me.
Do i have faith in APG ABSOLUTELY
Do i think it will be 50c/$1 or more by dec 2008 ABSOLUTELY
Will i continue to sell some on strength and buy on weakness ABSOLUTELY
We all have our own trading stratigies and we need to respect that right.
At the end of the day A.P.G. will continue to rise regardless of what the traders do. Simply because of its great technologies NOT due to comments made on hot copper cheers nb1
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