APG 0.00% 0.2¢ austpac resources nl

this is ridiculous, page-15

  1. 1,088 Posts.
    nb1.....you are of coarse correct....I have decided to hold for a while as I am expecting the sp to jump at any time......those trading can continue to do so....no problems whatsoever with that....each to thier own.

    My concern at present is that we are not appearing to attract many new investors and therefore no substancial increase in volumn....it will happen...and possibly sooner rather than later.

    I agree with a previous EARNIE post if you just want to hold and not trade....turn off your computer and relax....make some arrangements to receive a smart alert of some kind and enjoy life.

    When we recieve more good news APG will go north big time.....I am confident that time is near approaching....that is why I have decided to hold for the time being.....but we do need new investors, a significant increase in trade volumn and more great news to push the sp higher.

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