I am just so angry, frustrated and really upset at what has...

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    I am just so angry, frustrated and really upset at what has happened at
    the Livingston Shopping Centre that I needed to let you all know the
    "truth" behind the mongrel murderer.
    About 3 yrs ago when I was working at the prison we found out that one
    of the boys (at the time aged about 12) that abducted James Bulger from
    a shopping centre in the U.K., then brutally raped and murdered him, had

    reached the age of 18 and had been sent out to Australia with a new
    identity for his family, etc. Long story short is that he was given the

    name of Dante Arthurs, his grandfather's name is Arthur Dante, and his
    family moved into a house in Canning Vale. When the prison staff got
    wind of this it was all supposed to be kept hushed up, it was some sort
    of prisoner exchange deal the Aust Govt set up. Soon after he got here
    he assaulted a 12 yrd old girl in a park in Canning Vale and
    consequently came to Hakea prison but for only about 6 weeks as they
    couldn't get enough evidence on him and the incident was brushed under
    the mat.
    His parents used to visit him and their photos were on the computers at
    work and I clearly recall seeing his mum at the Livingston shops one
    day. I even had his address and because I've got friends and family in
    the area, I felt I had a right to tell them, stuff the prisons!! I had
    even driven past his house in Lakeview Rise estate in Canning Vale!
    Anyway when this happened yesterday I said to Ron, it'd be interesting
    to see if it's that Dante Arthurs guy from the U.K. and sure enough
    today we find out that it is him. I am, along with a lot of others,
    absolutely furious that the mongrel ar**hole was allowed to come here
    via the Govt in the first place and that he was allowed to appear to
    live a normal life!! Why haven't the police done something about this -

    he should not be allowed to breathe air, he is the scom of the earth.
    And tonight he would be sitting back in a comfortable cell in prison,
    having just had a reasonable hot dinner and be watching TV!
    That innocent little girl and her poor family will never ever be the
    same again - all because the piss weak Justice System and Govt allowed
    him to live in our country! There is a register for paedophiles so that

    the community are allowed to know where they're living and yet this
    piece of sh*t can live on our back door step with a new identity.
    People winge about illegal immigrants, what about this?
    It will be interesting to see what unfolds over the next few days, but I

    wouldn't be at all surprised if he's whisked out of the country in the
    same manner he was bought here, then again knowing our pathetic laws,
    we'll probably keep him here in our justice system, costing tax payers
    hundreds of thousands of dollars to feed and entertain him PLUS the
    do-gooders will believe in their minds that they can rehabilitate him! I
    was just going to type "sorry " but I'm not at all sorry for
    alerting my friends to something that should be publicly known.
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