this is what happens if you didn't vote labor, page-23

  1. 36,517 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    does Labor fight too 'clean' ?

    extract from the article:

    "Now some of you may prefer the gentle approach, the turning of the other cheek, the countering of aggression with meekness. Personally, Im sick and tired of this approach. If Abbott wants to pick a bare-knuckle fight, if he wants to delve into his bag of dirty tricks, if he insists on lying, if he insists on deception at every turn, if nothing is too low, too disingenuous for him to assault the Government with, then I would prefer to meet fire with fire, to slam him as he so enjoys slamming Gillard and the Government, kick him where it hurts most, and demolish his arguments with unambiguous searing rhetoric, such that he cowers in a dark corner. Abbott is a bully. Bullies always retreat when they get a strong dose of their own medicine. Abbott needs a very strong dose. Fighting clean is not working."


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