re: 4 debono debono, given you can count your time spent in...

  1. 4,287 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    re: 4 debono debono, given you can count your time spent in Indonesia in days it is not surprising you haven't yet scratched the surface to see what is beyond. All you have seen is what you were told to expect to see. Whilst the corrupt, the terrorists and religious extremists in Indonesia makes the headlines here, there are not representative of the general population, just as the drug dealers, pedophiles and crooked business leaders who also make the headlines here do not represent the average citizen here.
    I've yet to see an expat in Indonesia who fully grasped it inside a year of living there fulltime, many never ever get it.
    So far you haven't decided whether there are any genuine people in Indonesia or not. Let me assure you that the vast majority are genuine, at least that is my experience. Ask yourself why you haven't come across them yet. If you can't work it out, get back to me and I'll let you know.
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