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this only credible thing about mtn, page-15

  1. 399 Posts.
    re: re reputation Marathon (MTN)

    Hi One Up,


    Agree with the spirit of your post very much.

    Hopefuly we might start to also see some more Long Tertm Investor Support Soon as well.

    Might, in my view, going from my own investigations ...

    ---. expect to See, some European Money, and American money shortly thereafter, to begin to pour in to Marathon Resources (MTN) and to Support and Build Upon the Marathon Resources ( MTN ) shareprice...

    Possiby as soon as mid/late .... next week, having spoken to a few folk who know some mates of mine and fundies etc etc ....

    Get the feeling One Up; that there might be possibly operating, a bit of current, jealous -- "cut down the tall Poppy Campaigns" -- being conducted towards Marathon (MTN) ..... by a lot of the other hopeful & wishful Uranium Lookers/Rock Kickers/Explorers ... that are currently possibly feeding a bit of rather very negative Slant on things, & feeding mythical negatives to the media maybe, at present; around the traps .... grrrr.... IMO, .... so childish .....

    The Still strong and very good Support Level for MTN is at present, therefore is rather Great Vote of Confidence by many in marathon Resources (MTN) and more than to be expected and Solid I would have thought.....

    Given this baptism of fire, and negative campaign, many other stocks, faced with such a negative barrage, would have sunk like a stone..... !!

    Not our Marathon (MTN) though, and ... IMO .... For Very Good Factual and mainly hard evidence based Reasons ....

    Agree with your sentiments exactly Moonshine; that Day & Swing Traders ...... are playing this one(MTN) quite hard, and artifically attempting to suppress the share price.... which is however their "right" .....

    (1) Moonshine; Have you noticed the Sell Side for MTN ???,

    ---and how it is "stacked" .... now,.... ie: High So called sell order up at the north end of 90 - 95 cents !! .... and even $1.00 -$1.15 and further " out of reach " current present trading levels--- to give the .... IMO ... false "impression" of a Huge weight of Sellers....??

    (2) All part of their game I'm afraid One Up ... ... but it is not medium term, just the cynics doing their.... admitedly what is their perogative..... thing, and then presumably; they will cynicaly Jump back on the MTN Bandwagon, when the tectonic force of Buyers again soon becomes irresisitable....of course this hypothesisis, is obviously only my own personal assessment of some of the pettiness happening at present, and only IMO and not to be relied upon, etc etc.....

    (3) One Up ; Keep thinking about and asking yourself, why Marathon (MTN) directors .....who are professional Geolgists in the main, contiunue to maintain....that Partalana Uranium Ore system in South Australia, whihc is 100% owned by Martthon (MTN) ----is in their professional Geolgist Judgement, and Professional opinion; and firmly based on their own Research and interpretation and analysis of the Statistics, geology and emperical evidence ..... that it is indeed a : truly "World Class" (their repeated Headline words -- not mine )--- Uranium Asset ....that ultimately underlies the Marathon Resources Business Model, Intrinsic Real underlying true Value therein, .... and obviously the Marathon (MTN) share Stock Price, and whether or not it is totally misunderstood and undervalued.... (which I feel it is, as you know -- One Up ... !!)

    (4) Note One Up ; that the Marathon Resources (MTN) own professional Team of 3 or 4 geologists JUST always, offically put their credentials offically on MTN letterhead; and in this respect " on the line" ..... and always continue to keep repeating; and standing by this Strong "World Class Uranium Resource" assertion, which is a real and very impressie and big call. .....

    Note; One Up .... that they (MTN Directors) do not retract or retreat even one skerrick.

    Instead the MTN directors, are quietly now just getting on with more drilling,more "proving up" , more modelling and move unveiling of even further confirmatory evidence to further support this "World Class Uranium Reserve/Deposit" - assertion and assessment and view...

    (4) So One Up ..... the Crux ...of the Investor Marathon Resources (MTN) debate, therefore IMO, is .... ... either:

    (A) One largely does agree and believe the: "World Class Uranium Resource at Paralan Uranium Ore System--- assertion" -- or --

    (B) One does not.

    That simple really. I do. Other do not. Fair enough.

    (5)My view One Up , is to Keep researching what Dr Bogaz did in his geolgical professional past with Rio Tinto, and with up grading, ---to official acceptance and affirmation, the Australian world class, Telfer Gold and Copper Deposit......

    (6) Also, IMO it is worth to Keep noting that NONE --- none of the Directors are, selling, or ahve Sold a single solitary MTN share ... and if they were manipulating or hyping the share price before, then those sell orders would now have to be offically reported to the ASX..

    There have, as you know, been no Directors selling whatsoever.

    (7) We should now, IMO ....Keep asking ourselves, then , IMO .... on the balance of probabilities, ..... whether:

    (i) -- Marathon MTN is less likely .. or more likely...

    .....(a) to confirm and prove up, or

    ..... (b) retreat and have to downgrade.... the Assertion of the "World Class Paralana Uranium Ore System" as being a: truly "world class Uranium Ore System " over the next 30, 60 and 90 and 120 days ahead .....

    That, overall, in my view, is the question, fundamentally ....on which I am : now and always have in my own estimations and valuations, --- "boiled the ISSUE down to" ---- in assessing, and basing my own Investment Decisions, AND indeed, in seperating the "wood from the trees" --- re Marathon upon.

    Kind Regards .... One Up and ...

    to all current and prospective Marathon (MTN) investors and watchers....

    Robbo [:)]

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