"This Sad, Embarrassing Wreck Of A Man"... George Will humiliates Trump's Remarks, page-5

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27

    This anti Russia campaign is criticising Trump from the right. It's getting no traction at all with American voters. As both big business parties of the billionaire elites move further to the right, workers have other things on their minds.

    "Average compensation for CEOs at the 350 largest companies in the US increased by 17.6 percent in 2017 over the previous year, soaring to $18.9 million. Workers’ wages, meanwhile, continued to stagnate, rising a paltry 0.3 percent."

    "The increase in US chief executive compensation brought the ratio of CEO to workers’ pay to 312-to-1. This means that the typical CEO of a large firm makes in a single day almost as much as the typical worker earns in an entire year. By contrast, the ratio in 1965 was 20-to-1."

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