We need oversight of our nation's assets. Without it I doubt...

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    We need oversight of our nation's assets. Without it I doubt there is enough collective wisdom to avoid past mistakes.

    Would the free market voluntarily stop a headlong rush to ruin such as happened on Easter Is.? Only the super-arrogant would say they were mere savages, modern man wouldn't do that. I think we would.

    Similarly, if the age of oil hadn't arrived in the nick of time whales would have been driven to near extinction. Fisheries are only just kept viable with some regulation but I am not hopeful that the oceans can remain healthy with super trawlers and long-lone fishers with mother ships operating in international waters. "Sustainable development" is an absolute necessity but the green movement has corrupted the meaning of it, making it too narrow.

    The alarmists here are way off the mark when they accuse us sceptics of being vandals who care nothing about the future. That we are here making our case demonstrates an interest and willingness to read. I aver that anyone with those attributes MUST be an environmentalist because that is surely the way to the future. We just disagree with the green movement on what that future looks like.

    I hope this hasn't strayed too far off topic.
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