IMS 0.00% 69.0¢ impelus limited

Hi Longshot I had not considered the potential of Facebook...

  1. 299 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    Hi Longshot

    I had not considered the potential of Facebook because it has such a massive market cap but it is back up to near its float price from what I remember.

    Interesting to hear Thorpey use the word scaleable so often. He reminded us that every market in the world can be serviced from here in Sydney and that they have been increasing their capacity, mainly in staff, in order to handle the international expansion. They will have the odd person ( eg. 1 for the UK) based overseas.

    He also spent a bit of time describing how mobile ads can be targeted very specifically to areas in a city like the CBD. The response to ads can also be measured by the interactions with that ad. This makes mobile advertising so appealing to the advertiser because the results can be accurately measured as opposed to a billboard or print ad.

    It is nice to see all this potential building up; just a matter of time until it pops!
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