thought emotion matter

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 469
    Physicist David Bohm was once named by Albert Einstein to be the man most likely to succeed him. Bohm had very strong social views as well as a sharp scientific mind. This lead him to join the communist party for a time in his youth.

    Robert Oppenheimer wanted Bohm to work on the Manhattan Project but Bohm was denied because of his earlier communist ties. Nevertheless work done by Bohm in 1943 was classified by the US government and used on the Mahattan project and Bohm was denied access to his own work.

    In the very short video that follows Bohm makes a very interesting statement. He says "There is no sharp division between thought, emotion and matter, you see they flow into each other"

    Is this what the sages and gurus and holy men of ancient days somehow come to know through mystical experience but lacked the language to explain themselves?? The theme here is that you cannot separate matter from consciousness. Can we take this a step further and say that matter arose from consciousness?? (a metaphor for this would be that God created the universe.) I can make this statement because if consciousness and matter are indeed inseparable then how could matter first come into being if there was no consciousness?? Materialists like Dawkins would say it is the other way around and that consciousness arose from matter.

    Just because Bohm was clearly a brilliant man does not mean we should necessarily accept this concept blindly....but we should be open minded enough to consider it. Likewise I think we should not take every word that comes out of Dawkins mouth as gospel. I have heard plenty of materialists (I will use this word instead of atheists) say that as Dawkins is a brilliant man (which he is) that we should just read a couple of his books and take his word that there is nothing outside the material universe and that the universe is just a cosmic accident.

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