I agree with you. my thoughts are that the political correctness...

  1. 237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 14
    I agree with you. my thoughts are that the political correctness has gone too far. when I used to work in a corporate, I watched primary bread winners lose promotions due to being male, women get paid more (yes more) than men of the same grade so that if they chose to have children they can stay at home and have the wealth already accumulated. I've seen women on Boards who clearly shouldn't be there, to the detriment of the women who earnt their way on the board. People can't say who they will vote for for fear of ridicule and even violence (hence polls are a crock of s@&!). People can't even be religious anymore without being attacked/losing their job. it's no wonder why people vent on social media. There's a reason why so many people want to move to places like Queenstown NZ etc. they just want to work, ski, mountainbike, fish, get a coffee, whatever and not deal with all the PC crap! there are not enough PC-escaping safe-havens in this world.
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