AFT 0.00% 0.1¢ afg 2023-1 trust in respect of series 2023-1

thoughts on net loss, page-3

  1. 3,715 Posts.
    Hello Hyosuk

    This is a company that has gone through many guises. New management have taken over the company, looked for opportunities to do something with it and are now doing so.

    They have chosen a currently in vogue market (green energy) and have a business plan - good from a market perspective.

    The issue is the number of shares on issue which rate the company as worth over $6M - I can't personally see that the company has any IP or sales flow that makes it worth that.

    If they manage to get some good contracts with the photo voltaic tech they are looking at selling, that could change quickly however - it comes down basically to how good the salemen working there are.

    And yes, management awarding themselves about 10% of the company is "a little rich". Generally management incentification is through the granting of stock options, to award them for getting the share price to a certain level.
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