Howdy jnwell thought I better look around and gee not much out...

  1. 43,943 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 97
    Howdy jn

    well thought I better look around and gee not much out there that is solid. Plenty about the possible/likely/and current effects of increase in average temerature.

    Not alot on the opposite. Some on the issue sin the 1970s of the coming ice age.

    Most I found was just rambling or journal publications.

    So some:
    Snippet p7:

    "This brief introduction presents just a few examples of
    how studies of the responses to a large, recent volcanic
    eruption have deepened our understanding of the climate
    system. As a result, our confidence in our projections of the carbon cycle, the climatic response to anthropogenic greenhouse gases and land surface changes, and the biological response to the predicted warming has increased. Future studies, addressing outstanding issues in the impacts of volcanic eruptions on the atmosphere..."

    Transient global cooling at the onset of early Aptian oceanic anoxic event (OAE) 1a
    1. Wolfgang Kuhnt1,
    2. Ann Holbourn1 and
    3. Michel Moullade2

    And this interesting thought:
    Richard, E,. Global Warming And Cooling. etc


    So I suppose we humans (lots of other things) die off if too warm
    and if too cool lots die due to the direct issues from heating houses etc besides lots of fauna and flora.

    Off topic:
    I am very good (and fast) at finding material as it is my job to hunt for data that may then inturn become information (well percieved information depending on your angel or clinets angle). Gee that sounds/is like stats :-)
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