Thousands march in freedom day protests., page-27

  1. 23,367 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 271
    Imagine how many more people would march if they weren't afraid of the gestapo, if your scared of the virus go get a jab, delta's numbers seem to be showing it's not as deadly and the jab seems to help on top of that, freedom matters, don't force people to get a jab, forcing people to do what "you" think is best is a terrible thing and leads to god knows where, if your jabbed when someone else gets a jab it doesn't increase your survival rate, delta spreads through the vaccinated and the non-vaccinated, asking someone else or worse...forcing someone else to get a jab because it makes you 'feel' better is ridiculous.....snap out of it people, we make our own choices, the government or business shouldn't imo.
    Last edited by Fishinnick: 21/08/21
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