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    • A 20-year-old woman from Wuhan, China, transmitted the coronavirus to her family members without ever showing any symptoms, a new study found.
    • The woman tested positive for the virus, but her CT scans were clear and she never became physically ill.
    • Five of her family members, however, came down with a fever. Two developed severe pneumonia.
    • The case is evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted when someone is asymptomatic.

    Chinese researchers have confirmed a case of asymptomatic transmission of the new coronavirus: A 20-year-old woman from Wuhan passed it to five of her family members but never got physically sick herself.

    The case study is the first concrete evidence that a person showing no symptoms can pass the coronavirus to others - a fact that could make curbing the outbreak even more challenging.

    The researchers behind the finding said the 20-year-old woman was isolated and closely observed at the Fifth People's Hospital of Anyang. She never become physically ill, even after her family members developed fevers. Two of them got severe pneumonia.

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