three american wars lost from vanity

  1. 1,219 Posts.
    Individual Americans vary from dull to brilliant but
    put them in a military uniform and numb their brain
    with "We're The Greatest Nation On Earth" vanity
    and despite the most advanced weapons and
    the best spy services, America has lost the
    last thee wars (to bomb Vietnam, Iraq and
    Afghanistan back to the Stone Age) that
    it stared and Australia sadly joined as
    Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan posed
    no threat to Australia like Japanese
    forces did during World War Two.

    Pentagon thinking remains fixated on the glory
    days when troops wore National Uniforms that
    made it easy to tell friend from enemy - but
    those days are gone and the Viet Cong, the
    Taliban, Al Queda and other militants wear
    clothes that make friend and foe alike so
    bombing villages (on the off-chance)
    they may be harbouring US enemies)
    converted any friends America
    had into implacable enemies.

    Moral: You can't win a war against
    plain-clothed militants by using the
    tactics that worked for beating the
    uniformed troops of Japan in WW2.

    The longer America occupies any far-away land
    and kills its people (on the off-chance they may
    be militants who hate America) the more that
    land slips from America's grasp and the more
    militants it creates where none existed before.

    The locals always have a higher Body Count
    tolerance than America has. The locals are
    fighting to protect their Motherland from
    cruel invaders. The Americans are there
    for ideological reasons - to bomb the
    locals into democracy and capitalism.

    Why is America's war on the Afghans
    lost? It is about to negotiate an exit
    strategy with the 'Islamic Emirate of
    Afghanistan', the title the Taliban
    used for Afghanistan - before
    US troops invaded their land
    to crush Al Queda militants.

    America's corrupt puppet ruler Hamid Karzai
    says his talks with America about post-US
    security have been suspended over
    America's "inconsistent statements
    and actions in regards to peace."

    Double-dealing perfidy, thy name in America.
    Pity about the Aussie body bags, but that's
    just minor collateral damage. Get used to it.
    Uncle Sam loves Aussies. He really does.

    Will America learn from its three Trillion-Dollar
    errors? How can it learn when vanity blinds it.

    America is arming Syrian rebels. Russia is
    arming the Syrian regime. Next comes
    bombing Syria back to the Stone Age.
    Likely outcome: United Islamic States
    of Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Syria
    and a bankrupt US Government.

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