AYT 0.00% 0.4¢ austin metals limited

Tier 1 Copper Deposit?, page-128

  1. 392 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 112
    Hi Blues,

    It could be good for Impact Minerals. But there won't be any impact for the long suffering holders of SCI. You see the directors of SCI are too busy gorging themselves at the trough to display the slightest interest in anything that might benefit shareholders. I am still angry at myself for not questioning the credentials of the Broker that got me into this crap operation may years ago.

    You will understand SCI and a couple of other dubious outfit I "invested", in is why I jettisoned that Broker.
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Mkt cap ! $5.296M
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0.4¢ 0.4¢ 0.4¢ $13 3.24K

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10 11940346 0.3¢

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0.4¢ 4276002 1
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Last trade - 11.40am 11/02/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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