the majority of you may well laugh and think it is funny, just a...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    the majority of you may well laugh and think it is funny, just a harmless prank from an illiterate bogan, who is the partner of one holding the highest, most prestigious office in the land

    what, none of you have a male relative who has this cancer, or died from it
    there are thousands of people out there who do not think it is funny
    all the mothers, fathers,sisters and brothers who have lost a loved one, would be so turned off by this mongrel

    I suggest they just lost another couple of hundred thousand labor voters...

    try listening to talk back radio, about the families phoning in, absolutely disgusted...

    What is the chance for a diagnosis of prostate cancer:

    For a man in his 40s - 1 in 1000 For a man in his 50s - 12 in 1000 For a man in his 60s - 45 in 1000 For a man in his 70s - 80 in 1000•Each year in Australia, close to 3,300 men die of prostate cancer, which exceeds the number of women who die from breast cancer annually. Around 20,000 new cases are diagnosed in Australia every year.
    •Each day about 32 men learn news that they have prostate cancer - tragically one man every three hours will lose his battle against this insidious disease
    •One in 9 men in Australia will develop prostate cancer in their lifetime
    •Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australian men and is the second most common cause of cancer deaths in men
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