I hate watching or listening to either of the morons....but I...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    I hate watching or listening to either of the morons....
    but I read here, some said, she looked shocked....
    so I watched it.....
    no way, she was standing there still smiling

    The hypocrites, after she called Abbott a misogynist, she has ranted and raved, fell out of her tree...going on about it, and then her 'she man friend', stands up and proves what a stupid misogynist really is.....
    and there is silence, she giggles and thinks its funny

    On another note, McClelland has had eough, he is out of there....he may not have lost is SW Sydney seat, as he appeared to be one of the few nicer guys, in the midst of a pack of mongrels.

    I wonder if it has anything to do with that impending knock on the door at Kirribilli, to charge some people with the AWU fraud case.
    It leaves him free to say and do as he chooses. She tried to silence him with that appointment.
    That is all finished now...he is free of any shackles, and bullying standover tactics from his boss.

    Love the karma, she has clung onto 2 very dubious characters, and now has lost one of her own mob.
    How many more will not be standing at the next election.
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