Keep fighting ----------- you might get to win the election for...

  1. 87,928 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Keep fighting ----------- you might get to win the election for Donald yet ------- he never lies of course, -------- honest Donny.


    we get what we get -------- whatever we get as POTUS --------- it won't change the fact that America has a huge number of total dimwits in it's population ------ with big guns, always ready to war, always ready to profit from it's 'friend's, always ready to abuse, always ready to interfere and never ready to piss off and mind it's own business...

    personally --------- out of the runners for president and for VP

    of all of them - I'd probably go with Waltz --------------- but, Harris might make a good POTUS - we shall see.

    We already know the lying convict -------- and I have serious doubts about Vance.
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