time for australia to harden up on boat people

  1. 11,407 Posts.
    There is a process for immigrating to Australia and then there is an illegal one.

    Another boat carry 38 new people has just been intercepted.

    Ever couple of days, another batch of illegal immigrants.

    I see Kevin Rudd is considering cash payments to get the Tamil boat people who have been on an Australian customs boat to actually walk off it.

    Is Rudd on drugs? I'm a patient person, consider myself fair, not racist or sexist...but seriously....this is just getting ridiculous.

    We have a system for immigration to Australia...its a tough process I hear....really hard to get in legally and stay here.

    I watched the Tamils on the boat saying "we don’t want to stay in Indonesia, we want Australia, its a better country".

    I don’t care what they want. I trust in Australia's system they have setup / scrutinised etc for allowing people in the legal way.

    and I now strongly believe Australia should start to absolutely get ruthless with the boat people situation and send a harsh message back.

    IMO, we should fly the Tamils back to where they came from and any boats newly arriving, just keep flying them back.

    Although expensive, I believe if we do this and gather intelligence and break the smuggling rings, we might just start to deter people from coming.

    A cash incentive for boat people to leave an Australian customs boat because they would prefer to live in Australia than Indonesia?

    Harden up Australia.

    Do we need a referendum on this or something?

    Anyone else got opinion on what we should do on this situation?

    The smuggler are making a mint, they have publicly declared Australia’s is lax on the whole thing and an easy target and we sit here trying not to offend illegal entry people then offering cash incentives for them not to come.

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