time for australia to harden up on boat people, page-169

  1. 1,936 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 20
    I think that this issue will finally bring Kevin747 undone. The man is a serial fraudster who has failed to deliver on almost every promise/policy He beat the Liberals around the head with in the previous election. It was only `12months ago that Labour was castigating the Libs for wasting $400 million on the christmas island detention/processing centre....Now they are going to increase its size. HAHA.. They are pathetic hypocritcs. If Rudd alows those people to come to christmas island I can safely predict that he will become the most unpopular PM in the last thirty years. Do not underestimate the australian peoples loathing of this whole illegal boat people/economic refugee issue...They know that Howard had the problem sorted, and they also know that Rudd stuffed it up. My solution is for all asylum seekers to be humanly housed in United Nations controlled centres, funded by the rich countries, and for each country to have a set quota that must be taken each year. But more important, people must be processed quickly and people sent back to their own countries when/if its safe to do so. I am old enough to remember when the 1989 China thing happened. That was a truly sickening event. But I also know that many hundreds of Chinese Students in Australia at the time threw themselves in front of our cameras and screamed anti Chinese statements in the full knowledge that they would be persona non grata back in China. Guess what? it worked a treat. They cynicly used our own generosity for their own advantage. A Howard Quote we should adopt. " We will decide who comes to this Country, and the way they will come" unquote.
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