time for australia to harden up on boat people, page-247

  1. 4,293 Posts.
    I have found the 'opinions' on this
    lankaweb.com site quite interesting and there is quite a bit of information...perhaps from those opposed to Tamils?

    The point made about immigrants in Australia, sending funds back to homelands sounds nice but I am pretty cacooned and naive..because this is said to be actually cashing up more conflicts.

    I have been watching youtube re Angola refugees and it looks like hell on earth with 50 million mines across the country..so no agriculture or food..and terrible virus out breaks...

    Such a difficult problem and reading papers or watching youtube etc from the countries in question is pretty informative and a real eye opener.

    After exploring this lanka site, I now believe that the Australian public really do not have enough understanding to be able to accurately judge this situation and a delegation being sent to Sri lanka seems to be a very
    wise move,imo.

    I think that Nations leaders, Churchill and Stalin? signed a Treaty instigating Immigration after WW2. It was a number of years after the end of the war, I believe, before the Fifth fleet started bringing immigrants to Australia.Displaced people had been working in camps across Europe for up to 5 years before immigration occured in an orderly manner.

    Nations should arrange for another Treaty with a conserted/unified effort to address the problem..which is very complex..
    after reading the above sites info.

    This should not be a political point scoring exercise..
    The internet has spread good and bad..happy and also very sad...
    I hope we have the wisdom to deal with all it presents to us.
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