Sounds the way to go re the Prana foods...Cant go wrong...So...

  1. 240 Posts.
    Sounds the way to go re the Prana foods...Cant go wrong...So what kind of culinary gastronomic inspirations do they serve?

    I don’t know what your outcome will be in relation to having chilli mussels over there....You ever tried them?

    Was in Melbourne 12 weeks ago and there was no chance of having a good serve/taste of them (maybe wrong places?).......
    Yet in the same breath, you cannot beat the oysters you guys have over there...It is ‘The Supreme Deluxe’... Huge scrumptious ones-of good value and not once on the occasions that I’ve been in Melbourne did I taste a baddy.....unlike over here in Perth very miniscule in size compared to the ones I’ve seen, along with eating a bad pricey oyster (from a classy restaurant I might add) does not go down to well!!!

    Have to travel to Melbourne mid November and you can be assured I'm bringing back a load of them lol....yup seizing the seafood shops - Springvale (mini Chinatown) that’s where the beauties are.

    Won’t mention how much I ate one night at the Hotel Restaurant (probably somersault backwards off your chair...truly). Mumma Mia it was all I consumed and certainly outweighed the price of the buffet LMAO.....Nope I don’t live to to live but when it comes to oysters 8( such a glutton and a high risk/loss to hotels/restaurants serving seafood buffets...LOL
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