Time for some answers Nova

  1. 46,410 Posts.
    I would say judging by this there may be more to come.
    I bet this has been leaked from someone in Labor.

    THE Australian people deserve answers following revelations uncovered by this newspaper about Senator Nova Peris’ planned sexual tryst at the expense of taxpayers.
    The NT News questioned Ms Peris over emails that show she carried out an extramarital affair with Olympian Ato Boldon in 2010 while she worked as a public servant and as ambassador with Athletics Australia.
    In the interest of fairness, this newspaper gave Ms Peris and her press staff more than 24 hours to respond to a series of questions involving the misappropriation of public funds and other issues.
    The answers we received were nowhere near close to addressing the alleged misuse of funds at the heart of the story.
    A lot has been made of whether we needed to run what some might call “salacious” emails. But those became a crucial element of the story and the situation.
    It is in the public’s interest to be aware of any misuse of public funds and the circumstances surrounding it – even if it is not pretty, even if it is “salacious”.
    Facts trump all and the facts here beg more questions than answers. One question we sent Ms Peris was whether she thought using taxpayers’ money for sexual affairs was appropriate. We did not hear back.
    Ms Peris has instead opted to avoid the cameras and hard questions by refusing to attend Parliament. She appears to be waiting for the storm to blow over. We expect more from the woman who took aim at all politicians in her maiden speech.
    “I believe it is my duty and the duty of all members elected to the Parliament to answer questions and deal with issues honestly and openly,” she said in the speech.
    Well Ms Peris, now’s your chance.

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