Its time Australia got value for money from its...

  1. 86 Posts.
    Its time Australia got value for money from its Ambassadors....we need have a rating system which is published by the government on exactely what each Ambassadors achives...its time to forget **jobs for the boys**, giving Joe Hockey a sinicure might be a good way to get him out of parliament without him fighting or upsetting the numbers for the PM..But it does nothing for the Australian public.

    This fat bloated rich guy can swan around anywhere on his own money....but if hes gunna spends my money, I want him to make introductions to business at the highest levels weekly...I want a proper cost analysis of his value for money, just being there available wont cut it any more..3 to 400 yrs ago perhaps it would, but no more. Turnbull should get the FO up to 21st century.
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