SGH 0.95% $48.04 sgh limited

Uowww that should receive a prize on non sense If you loose 30...

  1. 7,294 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 564
    Uowww that should receive a prize on non sense

    If you loose 30 cents you loose 100% meaning is huge all

    If goes to 3 you make 1000%

    Is also huge

    But read again

    Are u sure compensate run a risk of x% up when u can loose 100%?

    Well we cont here w very poor texts and content

    Lets hope good events will come soon to bring more light here
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Mkt cap ! $19.55B
Open High Low Value Volume
$49.28 $49.58 $48.04 $25.25M 522.6K

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5 1766 $48.04

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Price($) Vol. No.
$48.30 498 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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