Time to arm rsponsible citizens, page-36

  1. 11,150 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 268
    When it comes to migrants, if indeed they are sponsored by another person( IE family migration ) Then there should be clear guide lines that the sponsoring party is held responsible.
    No boat people same rule should apply that does if you try to come in by Air (next flight back to where that flight came from .Its a universal law, why are boats treated differently??

    What gets me is a lot of these idiots have been born in the countries they are trying to destroy.
    The coran (sik) should be banned until it is re written. (like the first testament was.)
    One education system(no secular schools)
    These are just rules like having to wear a seatbelt obey speed limits etc.

    Was it not years ago that the church and state was made separate?? why does this rule not apply to the Islamist cult?
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