Chrysalis, you have allowed yourself to become sidetracked by...

  1. 13,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Chrysalis, you have allowed yourself to become sidetracked by ploy 102 from the zionist playbook.

    The issue here is not who was first on disputed ground. If you start to debate that, you will never emerge from the labrynth which is just what they want.

    The issue here is how one treats PEOPLE who have no power. We're talking about CHILDREN here, PEOPLE with stones yes, but against others with guns, batons and the full array of armour and military might.

    My original post referred specifically to the apartheidt being practiced by the Israeli government wherein Palestinian CHILDREN are being subjected to treatment that we here in the west would never accept. Treatment that even the Israelis would not countenance for their own children. This is just one incidence of the unjust treatment being meted out to a group of people being collectively punished for the activity of a few.

    If you want to debate the rights and wrongs of the way the palestinians have been kicked off the land they have been quietly living on for many years, tending their olive trees etc and replaced by zionist settlers many of whom come from perfectly comfortable dwellings in the US, that's a separate issue.

    Don't let yourself stop seeing the basic issue and that is the ever escalating tenor of inhumane treatment and denial of basic human rights of a zionist government ruled essentially by a fanatical religious minority.
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