Thanks chrysalis for the maps and explaining the black line as I...

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    Thanks chrysalis for the maps and explaining the black line as I was wondering what it represents.

    My concern for Australia would be similar to what is happening with Palestine and Israel.

    With Muslim immigration coming to Australia, will West Sydney, then NSW become a different Muslim State to the rest of Australia .

    Will Australia fragment like Israel and Palestine with Rockets being sent from NSW into Qld, then Qld retaliating with Jets bombing NSW.

    Will this escalate in time to involve other australian States?

    Personally believe in segregation of Muslims from non Muslim Countries, and non Muslims from Muslim countries.

    Holiday visa for short time only for both sides.

    World Zoo with high fences to separate different species.

    Protecting ones Borders is Paramount to a peaceful existence.

    As world's population keep exploding I can see a volatile existence for man kind, as people with very little will want, expect, demand, their so call "fair share".

    Only strong Borders will save Australia, but even now expect it's too late. The Trojans are all ready here.

    Maybe that's nature's way of culling the population.

    History is interesting, pity we don't learn from it.


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