Perth is not much different now as it was 40 years ago when I was a teenager walking around Perth with my mates on the weekends.
Back then there would be a huge group or two away from the malls with stragglers walking around asking people for money or cigarettes.
Perth is a little worst now in regard to the malls, I was in Perth about a month ago during a weekday and over a short mall walk to JB hifi there was 4 separate incidents of one or two aboriginals screaming at police and making shoppers feel uncomfortable.
It is a real shame that the few put down the many where most hold a job or at least treat others of all races with respect.
It is just a small percentage of the aboriginal population that complain and cause problems for everyone, but from my experiences the problem ones are the most racist people on earth, and all these do Gooders are not helping.
At the end of the day, alcohol and drugs will make any person of any race or color a nasty person to be around.