Time to Cull the Herd?, page-5

  1. 6,855 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 298
    I think the discussion needs to be broardened a bit on this subject.
    As a society, are we spending too much on the elderly?
    Aged care, geriatric medicine, income support all areas where increasing expenditure is occurring, and I'm not just talking about government expenditure, but private as well.
    If the resources are limitless, no problem, but they are not.

    Do we do more good by shifting resources from the old to the young?
    Is high class care for a dementia patient really justified, if a 6 year old can't get a timely appointment for a mental health issue?
    Not strictly an age thing, but do we spend an inordinate amount of money on end of life care , in general
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