As I have posted earlier (see below) the outcome of an Abbott...

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    As I have posted earlier (see below) the outcome of an Abbott led government in September will be an unmitigated disaster for the ordinary Australian. Abbott is indeed a wildcard but one thing is clear from his pronouncements and makeup. He has stated that he would do anything,anything at all, but sell his rear end for the job and so we can expect that if he's party attains power that he will act likewise and do anything to keep it. Factor in the probable depth of the swing and we can expect that he will be ready to meet the extreme demands of the extremist elements of the mob - Hockey, Pyne, Bishop, Abetz et al, to implement policies that would not be within binocular length of the extreme right of Genghis Khan. This catastrophe must be avoided.

    I, like many, have been a supporter of Gillard, and a defender. Defending her against the absolutely outrageous attacks on her character. This woman has been subjected to treatment which is out of order, out of order even in the rough & tumble of politics. I defy anyone to give an instance where the pillorying of a politician has been so intense. Gillard does not stand guilty of any crime but has been tried and convicted. Her personal life, which is no business of others, has met condemnation. All in all, the behaviour of her detractors is something of which we Australians should be utterly ashamed. The passing of time will come to show this clearly and the behaviou of some will be and remain a blight and this blight will, unjustly, include all of us.

    I admire Gillard for the way in which she has stood up to the bullies - many of them (not that they would have been noticed by her) are in here, with their criticism and innuendo. She has been subjected to a cunningly devised scheme - led by Abbott of Abbott (lol) Joe $ Co., designed to promote herthe idea that she is unfit to fill the role of Prime Minister. From unproven accusations of dishonesty to claims of her manipulating the misogynistic treatment to which she has been subjected (now there is a a classic somersault!) she has stood firm on her dignity. Meanwhile she has governed effectively. To her I say a job well done - but now it is time to face facts.The chicanery of the company has been successful. The labor government will not be returned under the leadership of one Julia Gillard.

    Labor has always been on about the higher things. It seems to me that nothing could be higher in order of priority at the present time than keeping the conservatives out of power. The mob have not moved back to the middle of the political spectrum since losing power and they have become more arrogant than ever. A vote in their favour will be nothing other than an approval of their refusal to adopt an ideological stance which would mean that they govern in the interest of all. There is no surer way to protect us from the ravages of a Abbott (lol) Joe $ Co. than for Rudd to take over the leadership.

    Previously posted:

    Let there be no mistake, if the predictions currently running about the election outcome eventuate the vast majority of the Australian people will be in for a very hard time. And that hard time will not be an outcome of a rational approach to debt reduction - though debt reduction will certainly be the excuse. Ideology will get to work. Watch out for the reintroduction of Workchoices, the abolishment of the minimum wage, an increase in the GST to 15% or higher and god knows what else Abbott (lol) Joe $ Co. have in their ideological box.

    Of course there are some who will benefit from the introducition of the company's program - the very wealthy they are. They have an incentive to promote these ideas of a fair go and good on them. There are others who are at the margin who think that they will benefit. It is their vote for the mob that will bring into play a learning process, a process which will ensure that their voting in the future will take place only after careful consideration. The careful consideration will involve the dustbinning of the lies, the deceit and opportunistic chicanery, the likes of which we see have never experienced prior to this mob.
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