Time to start opening up, page-2

  1. 35,843 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4


    I like how you end your first sentence with a shouted ' now '.

    It's almost like you are demanding that we listen to you.

    Are you channeling Alan Jones by any chance ?

    Then you bestow the thread with uniformed and baseless commentary as if you are some kind of expert on the issue.

    " The problem is that there is no real science taking place here it's all scare tactic politics and preying on ignorance. If you believe in the official Covid 19 figures then you believe in the tooth fairy. The truth is most likely is that actual Covid 19 infections is well under report (estimated) and deaths are being over reported (estimated) and don't even get me started on China. "

    We haven't even completely got the controls in place yet and you're already doing a Trump. State governments are already talking about opening up elective surgery and other important services which demonstrates that they are keen to get things going as soon as practical.

    But apparently that is good enough for the greedy selfish people in the electorate.

    We have absolutely dodged a bullet here. There is nothing special about Australia. We were just lucky combined with some now proven first mover action. It would be absolutely stupid to waste this once in a lifetime opportunity.
    We will be back to business much sooner than just about every country in the world which will pay dividends for ever.

    Premiers haven't got a plan in place ? FFS ! It was the Premiers and Territory leaders that saved our bacon across Australia. Doesn't matter which political party they represent. It was their efforts that have made Australia safe from this virus.

    You don't think the Premiers are doing a good job ? Hop on a plane to Turkey or Brazil and see how you get on there. Better still, Trump is taking the foot off the brake. Go to the US and enjoy your freedom there. rolleyes.png
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