time to wake up

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    People who sleep are usually inactive. In contrast, those who sleep spiritually may be very busy—but not with spiritual matters. They may be frantically occupied with the daily anxieties of life or seeking pleasure, prestige, or wealth. With all this activity, they show little concern for their spiritual needs. People who are spiritually awake, though, realize that we live “in the last days,” so they are as active as possible in doing God’s will.—2 Pet. 3:3, 4; Luke 21:34-36.

    At 1 Thessalonians 5:4-8,the apostle Paul exhorts fellow believers not to “sleep on as the rest do.” What did he mean? One way we can “sleep on” is by ignoring Jehovah’s moral standards. Another way we can “sleep on” is by ignoring the fact that Jehovah’s time to destroy the ungodly has approached. We must make sure that such ungodly individuals do not influence us to adopt their ways and attitudes.
    Some people imagine that there is no God who will call them to account. (Ps. 53:1) Others imagine that God is not interested in us humans, so there is no point in our being interested in him. Still others feel that belonging to a church will make them friends of God. All these people are spiritually asleep. They need to wake up.
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