Seems to me all she really did was intervene and insure a record...

  1. 25,465 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 179
    Seems to me all she really did was intervene and insure a record and a backup of the data was made to ensure a record was kept after there was a chance it could all be deleted and all chance of understanding in its fullest sense what transpired.

    And performed a starring role in a documentary that pea size gullible brains would stupidly give her support for.

    9 years...satisfies the lefties

    She has plenty of opportunity to reduce the appropriate years sentenced.

    Betting many here hope she dies in there as well after being brutalised

    That's in your disgusting unwell head.

    All the while celebrating the release and allowing real violent crims to predate the communnity

    Again, only in your disgusting unwell head.

    What a fked up world

    Stop participating in spreading disinformation and causing pea brain gullibles like Peters from going to prison.
    It would be a much better world. But you thrive on it in your high horse moral crusade of unwellness to the world.

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