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tinkler makes big moves on vic brown coal, page-6

  1. 806 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 129
    Great post V – a big TU from me and if I could give you 10 more I would.

    Also hats off to HM and BR – quality stuff.

    So, from the HRL news article seems we have a quandary. VCAT will allow the 600 mega-Watt plant to proceed, but only after the same amount has been closed down from “dirty brown coal” generators. Considering 90% of Vic’s electricity comes from these generators, I wonder how they intend to do this shut down and cross over exactly – interesting logistics.

    It seems that power generation from raw BC will be a thing of the past eventually, so what will happen with all the BC? I think Big Tink knows – he wants to mine in LV, create a BCE plant, truck BCE to port and ship off overseas and why not? However, big infrastructure issues plague LV as has been said for ages. 2 million tonnes being trucked down roads and on barges will be one large and very messy business.

    So, the big players are positioning themselves to create this BCE export market from LV. The State Government is also right behind it. The BCE techs are gearing up. MNM has a massive tenement in LV and...hang on, they not drilling it now...they’re focussed on BM.

    All great ideas of what can be done with BC in LV, but any export market for this BCE is years and years and years away. There is simply not the infrastructure in place yet to accommodate any of these grand schemes...full stop.

    However, BM has an existing mine, rail to port with a $4 billion upgrade completed by 2014, stacks and stacks of BC under eroded and over grazed land, a region desperate for jobs and a JV progressing with Exergen who have a BCE tech process that can be built anywhere and not reliant on a power plant like others that have to be in LV.

    Seems pretty simple to me, BM is the best opportunity to have this BCE export market, so desperately needed by a cash strapped State Government, up and running in the next few years well before anything similar can come out of LV.

    The good thing is, once MNM have this massive opportunity rolling out of BM with creation of revenue for the State coffers and jobs for the masses, they can go and do the same out of LV – S7 allocation or not.

    No wonder IK and team are finalising the BM drilling program now well before the first sod has been turned on the LV tenements.

    Yep - BM will be shining light of what can be achieved for the benefit of all and the front running example for all others in the LV to follow.

    Cheers K
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