Tis person is the Premier of Queensland. He is also a child., page-59

  1. 87,189 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    ''The reason why the west is in such turmoil is probably because of this very warped and biased left leaning tidal wave of research (which often goes against the popular pathos)''

    nope - the reason is because democracy is full of idiots who react to 'pathos' with wishing for quick fixes

    the 'need decent penalties' mob ---------

    I've written much on this - it's not worth writing it all again - no point, it's complex and it's too long to read for simpletons.

    The root cause is culture - and it's been fed over and over by white men with wonderful, quick fix solutions -

    like the three strikes laws - how'd that one work out?

    Here is how white enginneering thinks - via a doo gooder example ----- you can extend the logic to things like crime, penalty, jail etc etc.

    A ex sailing 'engineer' comes into a remote aboriginal village - there is a lot of suffering because there's not enough water -

    the solution orientated white fella with a good heart says ---------- 'no worries mate, I can fix that for you'

    so, he gets a bit of money from wherever - and he plonks down a well, turns it into a bore and then pumps water up into a holding tank - and runs a water delivery pipe network to every house.

    problem fixed. So away he goes and he's got his ticket to heaven.

    5 years later - there's no water. The distribution poly pipe is cut up in many places - it makes a great wacker for goannas and the kids to fight with, the motor broke down years prior and there's never been a drop of water out of it since

    Why? How did it get to this?

    It got destroyed because the engineer had no idea of how society works, no idea of how culture works and no idea about systems in societies that makes them work.

    A society, to have an engineered water supply - people to fix it and maintain it and an economy set up to replace it when necessary

    You can provide a gold plated water supply - but, without mechanics and plumbers within your group and without people understanding who to call, when to call and how to provide the mechanisms to train and employ those people -

    your system will last months only if you are lucky -------- the lesson - there are NO QUICK FIXES

    ditto with crime ---- if you think there are quick fixes - then, bring in a three strikes law ------- and see what happens - well, we did -

    and one generation later - here we are, with the situation far worse than it was before

    wanna go for another 'quick fix'?
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