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  1. 26,253 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 173
    What have they all got to do with the cup.
    I mean apart from being rich and famous
    and snobbing the rest of us.
  2. 13,161 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 95
    That report is not the true story of what goes on. I am involved in many Horse groups against cruetly. If you want to be angry then do it at the government. Even when you call a cop they don't respond. Don't rely on some news.

    And while at it - stop overseas from eating our native species - everything's got a price these days.

    The last horse I owned was an ex race horse, lived till 30. She was a rescue from - yeah he was a miner. Cops did nothing.
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