TLS telstra group limited

Well it didn't take it long to get to my $3.41 resistance line...

  1. 18,789 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1406
    Well it didn't take it long to get to my $3.41 resistance line so better add the next level up just in case it decides to keep going due to potential restructuring benefits, which I am guessing is the current momentum driver.

    So RSI has now just moved into overbought but will the momentum just keep driving it higher, perhaps more upside benefit than downside risk with the potential restructure benefits. But a new gap opened, so either needs to push on rapidly or will likely return to be filled as this resistance level tested for supply.

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$4.15 $4.19 $4.13 $35.89M 8.640M

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44 308543 $4.17

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$4.18 147607 35
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Last trade - 13.19pm 07/03/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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