TLX 1.84% $29.34 telix pharmaceuticals limited

gotta love an ANALystone says holdand "wish i didnt take any...

  1. 2,075 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 949
    gotta love an ANALyst

    one says hold
    and "wish i didnt take any profits"

    another says hold or take profits.

    yes , i recall TLX having 10 down days in a row a while back. they all pullback.
    and the 30 day is where youre looking at i suspect, around $10.

    but i still wish i hadnt traded a few and lost some stock on the way up.

    lets see what if anything new, comes out of the AGM
    have a great day y'all

    ive never held more than say 3or 4 stocks or 5max
    all eggs in one basket so to speak and watch the closely. pyramid along the way on breakouts

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Mkt cap ! $9.820B
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$29.00 $29.44 $28.88 $25.80M 882.5K

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10 3766 $29.30

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Price($) Vol. No.
$29.35 7563 3
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Last trade - 16.10pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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