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FYI - Here's an example of what each of the 30 odd review sheets...

  1. 4,878 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3325
    FYI - Here's an example of what each of the 30 odd review sheets look like - this was the one I built for Noront which only needed a minor update when BHP launched a counter bid to Wyloo/Fortescue. Chromite IMO, is at least part of the reason FMG/BHP are keen on this company.

    Jury is out on the centre section commentary of the one I put together for TNG until the end of August.
    NTEPA feedback threw a spanner in the works to what I did have there & my current review comments were written with that in mind.

    End of August following TNG's response to site selection, I'll update & give some consideration to posting a snapshot of the TNG one.
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