hi AlphaCenturian,i for one click on the banner's a hell of a...

  1. 6,368 Posts.
    hi AlphaCenturian,

    i for one click on the banner's a hell of a lot,

    my early'r post about clicking onto these ad's,

    is practicly word for word with a post that i made about 12/18 month's a go,

    and it would be interested in knowing how many members we have at anyone time,

    after all $4000.00 a month is nothing realy,

    it's small change, so i wonder how many click's it would take to make up $4000.00,

    in addition to this are or if these ads are paying for H/C cost,
    if so why the fee ?,
    is H/C looking to make a profit out of a free service ?

    please do not miss under stand me,
    as i would be one of these member's who would be willing to pay for an improved site,

    but i just cannot see it working,

    the reason why is, is because you would loose to many member's in my view,

    and as far as these people who abuse or even just suck imformation out of the H/C site, and give very little in return,

    well i think we all know where the ignore button is,

    in addition to this perhap's there should be more sever moderation for these time waister's
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