To know God Is to Obey - Lukewarm Christians be warned, page-472

  1. 8,407 Posts.
    "How does this information take away some kind of free will, a buck deciding to put aside the love of his life, and have sex with a woman who is not the love of his life, before he marries her?"

    DBT has repeatedly offered a concise scientific evaluation of the latest bio-neuro-etc, etc understanding of how the brain in a human processes all the various automatic impulses and reactions to produce resultant automatic actions.

    You are goading him because you want to maintain your illusion of gummy cleverness .. not a result of your "free will" but because you love feeling that you are clever.

    In the case of the young "buck" there is no secret why it is called a "buck's" party.
    He is a typical example of a young man being led around by his dick and slavish peer pressure. In this case by his so called "mates".
    The viagra traveller is even more a victim of his dick's wishes.

    There is no "will" involved, let alone free will. The dick and the desire for inclusion in the tribe calls the tune.

    Just look at how many otherwise so called eminent accomplished men are undone by their involuntary susceptibility to the life their dick wants to lead.

    You already know this or are even more ignorant and naive than previously demonstrated.

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