To know God Is to Obey - Lukewarm Christians be warned, page-6

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    It is vital to obey God's commandments. The Israelite nation was punished for not living up to the Law they were given. The 10 commandments were a sample of the more than 600 laws they were under.

    (Psalm 147:19, 20) He declares his word to Jacob, His regulations and judgments to Israel. 20 He has not done so with any other nation; They know nothing about his judgments. Praise Jah!

    Since the Law served its purpose and became ''obsolete'' [Heb 8:13], Christians do well to focus on what Jesus said was most important to his disciples.
    (Matthew 22:37-39) He said to him: “‘You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 The second, like it, is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’
    So while there is much to learn from the 10 commandments and the rest of the Law, it is a serious mistake to think the Law is binding on Christians.

    (John 17:3) This means everlasting life, their coming to know you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ.

    Follow Jesus, not Moses.
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