I'm fairly sure free will has been disproven scientifically. I...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 265
    I'm fairly sure free will has been disproven scientifically. I start typing this post, and a nanosecond after I start, I have the thought that I decided to start typing of my own free will. It's very convincing trick the mind plays, but actions just happen; life just happens.

    Try this thought experiement. After the Big Bang, bits of star dust fly out in all directions. Their trajectory, spin and speed is determined at the moment of the Bang. When these bits of star dust form into galaxies, the when and how they form is determined by the speed, spin and trajectory of the original bits of star dust. Same thing when planets are formed, oceans are formed, amoeba are formed. No free will yet. When the amoeba turns into a fish, there's still no free will. When the fish starts walking and turns into a moneky, then a cave man, why suddenly should free will emerge? It's just that the cave man thinks he is doing his actions, that's all. We're just bits of star dust whose trajectory was determined at the Big Bang.
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