I'll show you, who am I. I'm off my meds now because I don't...

  1. 6,491 Posts.
    I'll show you, who am I. I'm off my meds now because I don't have will so I un-willed myself to take them any more and I'm going to be all the people I used to be, then we'll see who's got frickin will.

    Shhhhh, not yet, you're next, Melisa. Wait your turn. Tiffany, I can't write when you're all talking at once. Thank you. Chadwick, enough.

    Oh yeah wafflehead, none us are going to have any will now and we're going to be f. .ked like you, wafflehead if you don't have the will to let us speak.

    I'm sorry, Mason can be a real potty-mouth, put the knife down, Mason. I've got to go, now that we don't have any personal will and we are all operating out of the one brain, I've to set some ground rules.

    One of us will get back to you, but without any will they, or, I'm more like a jellyfish and if the tide washes me back here?
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