to my jewish friends, hang in there, page-9

  1. 4,788 Posts.
    Gee youre a bit hard on the palestinians; didnt John when preaching in the Desert of Judea, say 'repent, for the kingdom of God is near' (Matthew 3 : 1). His sermons of repentance (the admission and turning away from sins) brought many Jews to repent and to be baptised in water as a symbolic sign of their decision. His message was uncompromising and included telling soldiers and tax collectors to change their ways and having the courage to call the Pharisees and Sadducess (Jewish religious leaders) a 'brood of vipers!'.

    John 7: 1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.

    No wonder the palestinians are so miserable.

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